Screenshot of admin dashboard.

Real-time analytics

Make decisions based on relevant data from real-time statistical information from our integrated analytics tools.
  • Understand your visitors

    Get real-time insight into the performance and impact of your website, and visitor behavior. Make decisions based on statistical data to increase the success of your website and business.
  • Better user experience

    Closely track visitor behavior and preferences of your visitors to adjust website content accordingly. This leads to higher engagement, increased satisfaction and improved conversion.
  • Improved marketing

    Real-time statistics play an important role in optimizing campaigns. Marketers can monitor the performance of your website and make adjustments based on up-to-date data.
  • Elevate your impact

    Real-time analytics provide you with a wealth of insights to improve performance and increase engagement.

    Leverage real-time analytics to make smarter, more effective choices that ultimately lead to better results and sustainable growth. Increase your impact by making timely decisions, improving customer experiences and optimizing marketing efforts.

  • Campaigns

    Identify successful marketing campaigns by monitoring real-time statistics or adjust website or campaign content as needed.
  • Monitoring

    By monitoring real-time statistics, you will quickly spot anomalies that affect user experience or conversions, and take the required actions.

Where can I find the real-time statistics?

A summary of the analytics can be found on the dashboard. 

It provides a common reference point to discuss performance, share insights and align strategies. More comprehensive and detailed analytics can be found on the environment of your chosen tool. For example Matomo, which we provide with every subscription.

Screenshot of admin dashboard.
  • Major providers

    We provide seamless integration of your existing visitor registration and marketing campaigns in Google Analytics and Matomo Analytics.
  • Matomo Analytics

    Get insights from your visitors while respecting their privacy. We offer a Matomo Analytics installation by default with all our subscriptions.
  • Your secret weapon

    Real-time analytics is your secret weapon for boosting conversions, revenue and ROI.

    Discover valuable patterns and trends, optimize strategies and remove obstacles to conversion. Make data-based decisions to adjust your marketing campaigns, design and content to maximize conversions and increase your revenue.

Experience the benefits of real-time analytics

We are ready to show you how we can take the next steps together.

Request a demo